Saturday, April 10, 2010
IPW Rocks!!
Building strong India
After a number of serious lectures, we had an enjoyable interaction with our PI, our team members and ZT sir. We all got to know about each other and shared our experiences.We had a good dinner and went to YVK eagerly waiting for the dawn to continue our journey.
JNU day of C2D '10
Kiran Kotoch talked about the problems of TB in India in a Clinicians' perspective. Some of the clinical difficulties encountered are early diagnosis of the disease, multi-system involvement, Co-infections, latent tuberculosis, Dormant infection, etc., and the prevention of the disease and vaccines administration is a challenge. It is interesting that no new drugs has been administered for the last 20 yrs.!!!
Some of the methods under program to diagnose the disease are sputum smear microscopy, radiology to a limited extent, culture diagnosis, line probe assays / PCR or biopsy, FNAC, specimen from affected organ. Sputum microscopy is relatively faster and the resports are available in 24 hours. But this can be done only when there are atleast 10000 baccilli. Moreover a dead bacilli and a live one cannot be differentiated. Other tests that are used are gamma interferon assay, chromatography – mycolic acid patterns by HPLC, macrophage based methods – viability of mycobacterium but low sensitivity, patch test with TB MPB 64 (– not evaluated in endemic countries).
GPS Raghava introduced to us the drugPedia and MycoTB which is an In silico approach. MycoTBis an open source software for managing Mysobacterium tuberculosis data exclusively. Samik Ghosh and Matsuaka Yukiko taught the participants of the conference about the software, Cell Designer. After lunch the members of the IPW team helped the other members from the Glycomics, Gene Ontology Annotation team, Protein structure/Fold Annotation team, Glycomics of Mtb team and Immunome of Mtb team. They were patient to teach all the participants even when being asked again and again.
At dinner time, the TBGO team had a round of introduction . The team leaders shared their experiences with the members and they taught the members the mistakes that they see in the members' annotated sheets. Members was recognized by their E-mail id.s rather than their names!!! Most of the members belong to the Hanger's group and he was on cloud nine whenever his name or his team members talk aloud!!! Fellow annotators thanking Swathi Gandhi's helping character, Chotu re-enacting his piece of drama, VS answering the questions from the annotators were some of the interesting happenings of the discussion. ZT joined the team later in the discussion and enquired the annotators about their experience. Most of the students agreed that their motivational factor was the thought that their work would help save millions of Tb patients across the globe!!! One of the annotators Hemant expressed his view on the Indian educational system and suggested that students shouldn't be evaluated by the marks given, but by their hardwork, innovation, intellect and commitment.
After a nice dinner, the participants returned to Vishwa Yuva Kendra for a good night sleep!
Friday, April 9, 2010
TBGOs day
The TBGO team after the conference went to India Gate and had very nice time with our friends.After having our dinner, we went to sleep dreaming about tomorrow's exciting science journey.
TBGO Rocked.........
TBGO team rocked C2D...
Three Cheers for all the students. 9 Team leaders joined us almost a week before the conference. After long working sessions of curations, they practiced whole night to prepare a skit which they executed very very well on the stage.
They recieved great applause!!!! Guys the skit was in high demand and we performed the skit again.... a special screening for SKB :)
After a long, tiring day, students got to enjoy a lot at the INDIA GATE.
Ubuntu Chris, DiponLove, The Moderator, Sleeper Deeper, SS, Silent peacemakers accomapanied by other members and the managers with our very own Ekta.
But we won't stop here. There are many goals yet to be accomplished.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
One of the Historic moments in the course of Science where all the ideas that prevailed, will change forever. The concept of Science which was considered to be closed Science will not be close anymore after this historic moment, and that was only possible because of a eminent person who came up with this brilliant idea, and he was none other than SKB. It is great to be a part of this programme. The students got very much motivated under the presence of our beloved SKB. The students are all now charged up and are ready to walk the path that our beloved sir shown us and nothing seems to be possible in the course of Science.

Today, it was a lazy start (being the last day of work). We completed our curation work, had some snaps together. But altogether it was a fast day that we had to rush through. Our friends have already arrived and Bugger Baiya was having constant calls which made all of us to look forward to meet our friends!!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Fishing to Super-Computing

With a bright sunshine, we (TBGO team) took off a good start to another day of curation work. Though a regular day, it was filled with knowledge, wisdom, fun and frolic. Chotu Lumbu's crazy heights (especially at night), the Moderator's unsuccessful attempts of peace-making, SS's constant curation, Sleeper Deeper's snore filled work, the Hunger (Bugger Bhaiya) happy-GO-lucky work, Dancing Sangeetha and Rajeshwari's moves, the Coffee Freak (Ubuntu, taking two coffee cups at a time) really freaked out. The Hanger, were some of the day's fun moments. The Moderator took on the job of moderating the AC temperature control as well! The Silent Keepers (Sangeetha and Rajeshwari) were amazingly stay-put @ the silent zone.We did some very very serious work as well!!! Rajender introduced us to his Zebra fishes (Fishes know him better than anyone). We even asked them (fishes) to eat well and drink lots of water. We got trapped at the Orbitrap Mass Spec room for a loooooong session (Anyway we learnt a lot from Rhishi). The buzzing sound of the printer confused us with the MassSpec (& also broke Ubuntu's sleep). Solexa Man (Ashok) explained about Solexa (The famous genome sequence analyser) and we were confused who was solexa, the Man or the machine?!! We had a session with Pandey ji and his TB (terabytes) supercomputers.
We spoke to SKB via Skype. He enquired about our work and our stay here at NDelhi. He encouraged us to keep up this good work.
After the hard work, we went to our welcoming bed at night only to dream about our GOids and literature papers!!!!