Monday, April 19, 2010
C2D Memories....
Waah...ahaaa these are only words that I want to use to describe C2D conference. Here I would like to mention that though I am from TBGO, this blog is for all of us. After all we are a team: TEAM OSDD. Our bosses tried hard (really hard) to separate us using the names of the two teams (My apologies to both the bosses) but hey guys we still came together and this was seen during the conference as well, when students from both the teams interacted, discussed and shared their knowledge.
After 3-4 months of online work, the onsite part started with the workshop where everyone was new and just were not more than chat friends, had lots of work pressure and deadlines (aiyoo deadlines). But finally we (at least IPW) achieved what we decided and got our annotations curated and waah gr8 job done by Dr. Anshu's students with Dr. Kitano, Dr Samik Ghosh, Yukiko and Dr. Nagasuma's guidance. The network poster needs no explanations or descriptions. It says everything itself where hardwork interwoven with several neurons resulted in such a big achievement. When IPW team's poster was one of the landmark achievement's of the conference, Team TBGO wonderful act on the stage was the one of the major topics of discussion throughout the conference. With a second special screening of the skit for SKB, and a detailed discussion with SKB, TBGO team leaders were really flying high.
Attending wonderful talks, tweeting the whole day with new netbooks, meeting different people...aaahhh I don't have many words to explain all this. Moreover I would also like to mention the gr8 performace by Sahara Band on the last day where everyone jumped on th stage and converted a decent band to a bhangra party (Yess....Saakshi we finally managed to do this....Guys, we always wanted to have a JAM session and we did that!!!)
And hey how can I miss the media coverage......We were on TV as well ...btw I hvnt seen that myself if anybody has seen that do inform me.....Anupam Me and Saurabh with Anshu mam, SKB, And our Science minister gave interviews to Aj Tak, CNBC....gr8!!
Professionally what else can you expect and when you get so many good friends...fulltooshh enjoyment then you have achieved everything......
Hope to see you all again in the second round of C2D as well!!!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
IPW Rocks!!
Building strong India
After a number of serious lectures, we had an enjoyable interaction with our PI, our team members and ZT sir. We all got to know about each other and shared our experiences.We had a good dinner and went to YVK eagerly waiting for the dawn to continue our journey.
JNU day of C2D '10
Kiran Kotoch talked about the problems of TB in India in a Clinicians' perspective. Some of the clinical difficulties encountered are early diagnosis of the disease, multi-system involvement, Co-infections, latent tuberculosis, Dormant infection, etc., and the prevention of the disease and vaccines administration is a challenge. It is interesting that no new drugs has been administered for the last 20 yrs.!!!
Some of the methods under program to diagnose the disease are sputum smear microscopy, radiology to a limited extent, culture diagnosis, line probe assays / PCR or biopsy, FNAC, specimen from affected organ. Sputum microscopy is relatively faster and the resports are available in 24 hours. But this can be done only when there are atleast 10000 baccilli. Moreover a dead bacilli and a live one cannot be differentiated. Other tests that are used are gamma interferon assay, chromatography – mycolic acid patterns by HPLC, macrophage based methods – viability of mycobacterium but low sensitivity, patch test with TB MPB 64 (– not evaluated in endemic countries).
GPS Raghava introduced to us the drugPedia and MycoTB which is an In silico approach. MycoTBis an open source software for managing Mysobacterium tuberculosis data exclusively. Samik Ghosh and Matsuaka Yukiko taught the participants of the conference about the software, Cell Designer. After lunch the members of the IPW team helped the other members from the Glycomics, Gene Ontology Annotation team, Protein structure/Fold Annotation team, Glycomics of Mtb team and Immunome of Mtb team. They were patient to teach all the participants even when being asked again and again.
At dinner time, the TBGO team had a round of introduction . The team leaders shared their experiences with the members and they taught the members the mistakes that they see in the members' annotated sheets. Members was recognized by their E-mail id.s rather than their names!!! Most of the members belong to the Hanger's group and he was on cloud nine whenever his name or his team members talk aloud!!! Fellow annotators thanking Swathi Gandhi's helping character, Chotu re-enacting his piece of drama, VS answering the questions from the annotators were some of the interesting happenings of the discussion. ZT joined the team later in the discussion and enquired the annotators about their experience. Most of the students agreed that their motivational factor was the thought that their work would help save millions of Tb patients across the globe!!! One of the annotators Hemant expressed his view on the Indian educational system and suggested that students shouldn't be evaluated by the marks given, but by their hardwork, innovation, intellect and commitment.
After a nice dinner, the participants returned to Vishwa Yuva Kendra for a good night sleep!
Friday, April 9, 2010
TBGOs day
The TBGO team after the conference went to India Gate and had very nice time with our friends.After having our dinner, we went to sleep dreaming about tomorrow's exciting science journey.
TBGO Rocked.........
TBGO team rocked C2D...
Three Cheers for all the students. 9 Team leaders joined us almost a week before the conference. After long working sessions of curations, they practiced whole night to prepare a skit which they executed very very well on the stage.
They recieved great applause!!!! Guys the skit was in high demand and we performed the skit again.... a special screening for SKB :)
After a long, tiring day, students got to enjoy a lot at the INDIA GATE.
Ubuntu Chris, DiponLove, The Moderator, Sleeper Deeper, SS, Silent peacemakers accomapanied by other members and the managers with our very own Ekta.
But we won't stop here. There are many goals yet to be accomplished.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
One of the Historic moments in the course of Science where all the ideas that prevailed, will change forever. The concept of Science which was considered to be closed Science will not be close anymore after this historic moment, and that was only possible because of a eminent person who came up with this brilliant idea, and he was none other than SKB. It is great to be a part of this programme. The students got very much motivated under the presence of our beloved SKB. The students are all now charged up and are ready to walk the path that our beloved sir shown us and nothing seems to be possible in the course of Science.

Today, it was a lazy start (being the last day of work). We completed our curation work, had some snaps together. But altogether it was a fast day that we had to rush through. Our friends have already arrived and Bugger Baiya was having constant calls which made all of us to look forward to meet our friends!!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Fishing to Super-Computing

With a bright sunshine, we (TBGO team) took off a good start to another day of curation work. Though a regular day, it was filled with knowledge, wisdom, fun and frolic. Chotu Lumbu's crazy heights (especially at night), the Moderator's unsuccessful attempts of peace-making, SS's constant curation, Sleeper Deeper's snore filled work, the Hunger (Bugger Bhaiya) happy-GO-lucky work, Dancing Sangeetha and Rajeshwari's moves, the Coffee Freak (Ubuntu, taking two coffee cups at a time) really freaked out. The Hanger, were some of the day's fun moments. The Moderator took on the job of moderating the AC temperature control as well! The Silent Keepers (Sangeetha and Rajeshwari) were amazingly stay-put @ the silent zone.We did some very very serious work as well!!! Rajender introduced us to his Zebra fishes (Fishes know him better than anyone). We even asked them (fishes) to eat well and drink lots of water. We got trapped at the Orbitrap Mass Spec room for a loooooong session (Anyway we learnt a lot from Rhishi). The buzzing sound of the printer confused us with the MassSpec (& also broke Ubuntu's sleep). Solexa Man (Ashok) explained about Solexa (The famous genome sequence analyser) and we were confused who was solexa, the Man or the machine?!! We had a session with Pandey ji and his TB (terabytes) supercomputers.
We spoke to SKB via Skype. He enquired about our work and our stay here at NDelhi. He encouraged us to keep up this good work.
After the hard work, we went to our welcoming bed at night only to dream about our GOids and literature papers!!!!
BIG network
Monday, April 5, 2010
Crazy "GO"ing !!!!!
The Last Mile
Get Ready for the Swirl
Sunday, April 4, 2010
TBGO Workshop Day1
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Joining forces against TB
New TB drugs are desperately needed. The existing treatment is a cocktail of drugs that must be taken over 6–8 months. Often, one of the biggest challenges facing healthcare professionals is simply ensuring that their patients finish the course of treatment. Full-Text Article:
TB GO on the GO
It is indeed an interesting lab. One which any bio-informatician would like to be part of. A series of servers lined up in a state of the art server room gives out a regular hum and lights go on and on. Few rooms away are state of the art sequencing machines. Adjacent to the server room separated by a glass, is a row of computers.
As you walk in a bunch of Connect to Decoders are already infront of the screens and immersed in working. They had just reached New Delhi railway station two hours ago. This is what is called hitting the ground running.
In the afternoon they had an unusual visitor. Jean Marie from UK who is writing a book on innovation in China, India, South Africa and Brazil was wanting to know about OSDD. What better way to know about OSDD but to speak to Connect to Decoders.
The GO team is here to do the last bit of QC. Or, may be, they will throw a surprise when you meet them. You don’t get a bunch of bright young minds and expect nothing, right?
Friday, April 2, 2010
To Tokyo via Ghaziabad
They had the Chief Mentor calling on them to see the progress. They were on skype with SBI Japan. Dr. Kitano joined from Tokyo. Discussions were on plans, networks, pathways and how to develop production level data to be readied for mapathon when the rest of the team comes in on 9th. Later the network map generated on Cell designer was seen by the Chief Mentor. Dr. Brahmachari was thrilled to be with the Connect to Decoders. Questions started flowing on all directions. What is critical or not… what is the function of the pathway, which is distinctive which is not…. And Dr. Brahmachari was most impressed by the young Connect to Decoders.
Later Dr. Nagasuma joined from IISc Bangalore on the protein structure annotation progress.
The air is abuzz with activity…technology is in full flow
You can expect an exciting scientific exploration during the onsite phase... Gears up, folks!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
First Network
Annotating the Tb Glycome
The GlycoMtb team of the OSDD C2D initiative, focuses on the Mtb glycome, a very poorly characterized sector of the Tb genome. The existing genome annotation showed only 100 known genes for glycosylation in Mtb. But clearly, there has to be more…! In an organism that has the most complicated of the cell wall structure that comprises of glycolipids, an organism that fools the host defence mechanism and develops the deadliest of the diseases in humans definitely has more than 100 odd genes for the glycosylation pathway. Armed with this belief, the GlycoMtb team used a 2 pronged approach. The first phase was to look for homologues of bacterial glycan modifying enzymes in Mycobacterium. This gave an important lead… the answer to the genes responsible for glycosylation lay in the 1500 odd genes annotated as “hypothetical protein/conserved hypothetical protein/conserved membrane protein”. Hence bagan the long journey amidst the amino acid sequences, looking for sequence similarity, pattern matches and secondary structure matches. The team finally emerged 2 months later with a full functional prediction of the unnamed proteins…. Reducing the number of "proteins with unknown function" from 1500 to 270. As of now we have about ~400 genes which may be glycan modifying and maybe another hundred or so which are glycoproteins. This phenomenal task has only been possible due to the “nothing is impossible” belief of the team members , essentially made up of master’s students across the country.
The team is still at work incessantly, trying to make a more comprehensive list of the enzymes and proteins which they feel holds the key to a lot of unanswered questions in Mtb infection and hoping to release the data in the upcoming C2D conference in April 2010.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
BBC World News on OSDD
Listen to the Clip:
More on the clip at Angela Saini's Blog : The Hunt for the new TB Drug
Sunday, March 28, 2010
C2D Programme Update

The Programme details are also available at the C2D10 Website at URL:
C2D Onsite Phase Begins
Away from the buzz of Delhi, nestled among green trees frequented by birds, is CSIR's Human Resources Development Centre at Ghaziabad. HRDC is having a bunch of unusual group. Usually frequented by scientists and leaders of CSIR, is now the hub of Connect to Decode activity. Dr. Anshu Bhardwaj has quietly started the onsite phase of Pathway Annotation project. Her handpicked team leaders are quietly doing the Quality Control (QC) check of the data annotated by the team.
As you walk into the room, you get the sense of walking into the Ops Room of a major military operation. The air is tense. Hardly any words are spoken. Work is brisk. Fingers work on the key boards like that of a skilled tabla player. You might have heard of power play in cricket. This team has devised power sessions which last for an hour. After each power session there is a lean hour, again a power session...and on and on they go till late into the night. Dr. Anshu has to drag out her team for lunch and coffee. Except on one occasion- if a peacock is dancing with full bloom, the team takes a break to peek a look and you can see Rohit running with his camera. But sensitive as they are the peacocks shy of their dance very soon and the team is back on their keyboards with their fingers dancing with double vigour.
Some photos…

Saturday, March 27, 2010
It Aint Gonna Work
Well, it had started even before OSDD was launched. Prof Brahmachari used to discuss about his vision of Open Source Drug Discovery in various fora. The Mint carried an article on Open Source Drug Discovery project on September 20, 2007. It had an interesting quote: “ You’re kidding me,” said the chairman of one of India’s largest pharmaceutical companies when he heard of Brahmachari’s idea. “Open source for drug discovery?” Prof Brahmachari did not listen to such ‘sane’ advices. He obviously is made of sterner stuff to be deterred by naysayers and went ahead with his plan. OSDD was launched on September 15, 2008. Many thought that it will die of its own. It wont just work. But then they didn’t realise that there are some youngsters around the world who just don’t get it. They don’t understand the meaning of the phrase ‘it wont work’. And they are the leaders of tomorrow. Today as OSDD is nearing 3000 members, a large number by any standards, it owes to people like Prof Brahmachari and others who just refuse to listen to ‘it is not gonna work’.
We had heard it again and again. The chorus was loud when we launched Connect to Decode. ‘It will not work’. ‘You wont get people to do this’. That was one line. Well, just the day it was opened, registrations crossed 100. And it went on to reach about 800. So much for that line. But there was a more serious line: ‘you guys don’t know what you are doing, you wont get quality data’; ‘you are going to get a lot of junk’. Well, that was a serious concern, but as Connect to Decode progressed, the power of the community annotation was evident. We got wrong data of course. And sure enough, they were curated by the community. But not junk, by any means. The community power proved the naysayers wrong again. A bunch of youngsters and not so youngsters who just don’t listen to ‘it just won’t work' are at it.
These are the folks who share the audacity of hope. They are made of the same stuff as that young American who chose hope over despair and chose to dream through a difficult childhood and went on with his Audacity of Hope to be the first in many ways in this world. OSDD understands and shares this passion of hope. ‘Yes we can’ is not just a campaign slogan, but is a matter of faith! There will be many who are waiting to tell us again and again, 'it will not work'. To them, we say, it wont work!
At OSDD, this is what we believe - Yes, We Can!
Together we will!!
Together we should!!!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Audacity of Hope
More than that, you have announced before hand that the results will be made available in the open to the world on 11 April 2010. How many science projects do this? Of course, Space programme does it. The rocket has to blast off on the designated day at the appointed time. But how many science projects?
When we were discussing Connect to Decode, Dr. Sukanya Dutta asked: why are you all stretching yourself? 'Nobody works to a deadline in Science!' Well my reply to her was if we are to do what everyone does, then why OSDD? Yes, that is what sets OSDD apart. We do things differently. We do not tread the beaten path. It is a new way indeed.
Yes, your hard work demonstrates that OSDD is a new way of doing science!
Announce that the result of a project will be available on a date, even as the project is ongoing? Isn’t this the audacity of hope?!
Sakaal Times on the Connect to Decode Genome Annotation Initiative
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Getting Started in Gene Orthology and Functional Analysis
The latest innovations and rapid progress in sequencing technologies have substantially enriched whole genome data. Each genome consists of a unique gene inventory, which determines the specific phenotype and interaction with the environment. After 3.5 billion years of evolution, the number of species has expanded considerably. These species originated from simple life forms and have been confronted with complicated environmental changes. These variations, as a result of natural selection, are encoded in their genomes and provide clues to their genetic divergence from a common ancestor. The inference of variations between species by analyzing compositions of gene inventories therefore opens the door to the rich branch of comparative genomics.
Weak link in TB bacteria cell wall
Tuberculosis is a major global health threat. Drug resistance in TB is becoming a monumental [...]...
Gupta, R., Lavollay, M., Mainardi, J., Arthur, M., Bishai, W., & Lamichhane, G. (2010) The Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein LdtMt2 is a nonclassical transpeptidase required for virulence and resistance to amoxicillin. Nature Medicine. DOI: 10.1038/nm.2120 The Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein LdtMt2 is a nonclassical transpeptidase required for virulence and resistance to amoxicillin
Multidrug and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis
The World Health Organization (WHO)...
World Health Organization. (2010) Multidrug and extensively drug-resistant TB (M/XDR-TB):
2010 Global report on surveillance and response. WHO. info:other/978 92 4 159919 1
Gillespie, S. (2002) Evolution of Drug Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Clinical and Molecular Perspective. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 46(2), 267-274. DOI: 10.1128/AAC.46.2.267-274.2002 Evolution of Drug Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Clinical and Molecular Perspective