
Friday, April 2, 2010

To Tokyo via Ghaziabad

The IPW team is working extra time to finish the QC on the IPW data. The team is led by Dr. Anshu who is at the White Board with plans, sketched and schedules. The team is gung ho and literally burns midnight oil. It is not sure if burning midnight oil is the correct term to use as they go to sleep only at 3.00 AM in the morning. Few days back they had the excitement of seeing the first network, now the effort is to make it as comprehensive and as meaningful as possible. They are online with Tokyo on all the days.
They had the Chief Mentor calling on them to see the progress. They were on skype with SBI Japan. Dr. Kitano joined from Tokyo. Discussions were on plans, networks, pathways and how to develop production level data to be readied for mapathon when the rest of the team comes in on 9th. Later the network map generated on Cell designer was seen by the Chief Mentor. Dr. Brahmachari was thrilled to be with the Connect to Decoders. Questions started flowing on all directions. What is critical or not… what is the function of the pathway, which is distinctive which is not…. And Dr. Brahmachari was most impressed by the young Connect to Decoders.
Later Dr. Nagasuma joined from IISc Bangalore on the protein structure annotation progress.
The air is abuzz with activity…technology is in full flow
You can expect an exciting scientific exploration during the onsite phase... Gears up, folks!

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